Save time & work smarter with AI Automation

We help you automate your workflows, automate repetitive tasks, and elevate your business.

Book A Strategy Call
No-pressure 30 minute discover call.
Wactch this video to see how we do it 👇

You can't beat AI... So why not use it?

With the advancements in AI like ChatGPT, it's time to let technology handle the heavy lifting for your business.

Book A Strategy Call
No-pressure 30 minute discover call.

Hear from out clients

Our process

By integrating cutting-edge AI technology tailored to your business needs, we ensure that every lead is nurtured, every inquiry is answered, and no opportunity is missed. Here’s how it works:

Book A Strategy Call
No-pressure 30 minute discover call.
  • Book your free discovery call

    On this call you'll share a little more about your company, the processes you have in place, and we will suggest areas in which AI can help you.

  • Strategy Session

    If we're a fit, after the discovery call we will start planning the course of action. We'll schedule a Strategy Session call where we will share with you the next steps, and adjust the plan if needed.

  • Development

    Once we've agreed on the strategy and plan of action, we get to work and start developing your new AI solutions.

  • Deployment + Optimization

    Once we're ready with the development, we will deploy the product and start looking for potential areas of improvement.

Frequently asked questions

  • How can I tell if using AI is the right solution for my problem?

    Figuring out which process to enhance using AI can be tricky for business people. If you have a business problem where you feel that the solution might be hidden in data and can’t be solved with simple rules, AI could be the answer.

    To define an AI use case, you’ll need the help of an AI team, the person who knows the most about the issue (the problem owner), and technical specialists who understand how to deal with the problem in the technical world.

  • How long does an AI solution take to implement?

    Using AI involves a series of steps: collecting data, labeling it, developing and training the model, testing and evaluating it, and finally deploying the solution. At the beginning, data collection and labeling take 20-50% of the time (higher % for smaller or standard projects).

    The rest of the time is spent on model development, testing, and deployment, which depends on how unique the problem is, the performance level required, and the complexity of deployment. AI projects can last anywhere from 3 months to several years, depending on the size and collaboration needed.

  • Will we need to make changes in our teams?

    No, you don’t have to fire employees. AI and automation are only there to help humans to be able to focus on the most important tasks by automating time-consuming and repetitive tasks. In the long run, process automation will make your teams happier and improves their performance.

    All you need to do is sit back, let the automation run the repetitive tasks, and focus on strategic tasks that only humans can do. With our experience running AI projects, we know how frustrating it is for company teams to integrate innovative AI & automation solutions into their daily routines.

    With our approach, we not only implement an automation solution but also help you to realize the “Future of Work” with all the freedom that it brings.

Book your free strategy call

The goal of this call is to get to know you and your business, and see if we can help you achieve your goals. Find a slot that works for you on the Calendar and let's talk!

This call is perfect for:

  • Companies looking to improve their efficiency
  • Founders and C-Level executives with specific ideas of how to implement AI into their companies
  • Founders and C-Level executives looking to better understand AI and how to implement it in their companies